Drug Discovery Solutions
From target identification to validation
Your Partner in Cell Research – When we say it, we mean it!
OLS offers an entire range of modern and innovative technologies fulfilling the requirements for the drug discovery cycle. For every stage of the drug discovery process – from target identification to lead identification and optimization – we have the right technology for you! In the early stages during preclinical research cell-based assays are crucial. Our single cell dispenser Namocell makes single cell isolation and sorting effortless. It is able to sort and dispense single cells directly into 96-well or 384-well plate. It simplifies and supports a number of single cell applications including those in early drug discovery. Your immune-cell based assays can be perfectly paired with our NovoCyte Flow Cytometry Instruments. They provide complex cell analysis capabilities with up to 30 fluorescent channels and absolute cell counts, less clogging, low maintanance costs and intuitive user interface. In order to maintain high-end precision and reproducability, the flow cytometers are best calibrated using the Slingshot Synthetic Cell Controls. This innovative technology allows new levels of accuracy and reliability for your research.
OLS also provides a solution that can alleviate the burden of animal testing. 3D cell culture models can serve as an alternative to animal testing. 3D Cell Culture Bioreactor CERO 3D can be your ideal partner. It offers a special 3D cell culture technology that monitors and controls temperature, pH and carbon dioxide levels. Indeed, this is ideal for stem cells, spheroids, organoids and even tissues.
Drug discovery processes are ideally combined with modern and innovative cell imaging techniques for high throughput screening and imaging. At OLS, we provide high quality modern cell imaging systems ranging from simple epifluorescence to fully automated high-end digital imaging systems for fast imaging and analysis. For a perfect mix of an incubator and a microscope, take a look at zenCell Owl. A quick-setup solution to monitor your cells in culture and support your image-based assays in 2D and 3D cell culture experiments. Saving the best for last, High Content Screening Workstation WiScan® Hermes is equipped with deep learning algorithms and robotics integration for high throughput screenings. The tech is dedicated to high content imaging and analysis for image-based assays in cell biology studies and drug discovery processes.
Cutting-edge drug discovery research demands high-end technology – Implement the highest standards of research in your workflow!
Technologies for Drug Discovery Cycle
There are several stages in a drug discovery cycle. As shown above, in the picture, these include early stages (target validation, hit to lead identification) and pre-clinical research. Each stage of the drug discovery process involves the use of different techniques and methods. These techniques are often overlapped among the different steps in the drug discovery pipeline.
OLS – Your One Stop for Drug Discovery Solutions
Let us have a closer look at the workflow and its solutions
- Target Identification and Validation
- High Throughput Screenings
- An alternative to in vivo testing
Target Identification and Validation
Flow Cytometers are being used for almost every stage in the drug discovery cycle. These can include applications related to the identification and validation of the target, hit-to-lead identification, candidate selection, and safety efficacy.
At OLS, we provide the Agilent’s NovoCyte Flow Cytometers known for their fast and sensitive detection of the target labeled with up to 30 fluorescent colors. With the high-throughput capability, identify the lead through your targets and validate their efficacy. Following these steps, perform the perfect selection of the candidate, an antibody, a protein, or a small molecule.
The Single Cell Dispensers, NamoCell, and HANA make an ideal benchtop solution for the selection of single cells/clones in the early stages of the upstream processing (USP) for example, cell line development.
Single Cell Dispenser Namocell
Selection of your positive single cell/clone for the best Ab titer
Flow Cytometry NovoCyte
For Easy and Fast Target Identification, Validation, and Much more
High Throughput Screening
Modern and innovative cell imaging techniques have allowed cell-based assays to be used for preclinical research during drug discovery and development. With automated and digital imaging systems, it is now possible to visualize, image, and analyze in high throughput the various aspects of cells to identify, validate drug targets and small molecules. These assays can include evaluation of phenotypic changes, monitoring drug activity via the use of biomarkers or stem cell fate in vivo. This helps to not only characterize the drug targets but also to improve their efficacy.
At OLS, one can easily get their hands at modern cell imaging systems ranging from simple epifluorescence to fully automated high-end digital imaging systems for fast imaging and analysis. Screen and image 96-well plate or a 384-well plate in an automated manner along with robotic integration for plate handling.
Along with high throughput screening and imaging, the Agilent xCELLigence RTCA eSight combines the impedance power with live-cell imaging. So now, not only visualize and analyze the potency, cytotoxicity, or ADCC assays but also have a visual validation to it.
High Content Screening Workstation
Ultra-fast, equipped with deep learning algorithms and robotics integration for high throughput screenings.
Real-Time Live-Cell Imaging System
Impedance + Imaging = Target screening and validation in high throughput.
An alternative to in vivo testing
Animal experiments, although vital to the drug discovery and development pipeline, are also time and resource-consuming. Of course, the ethics part also needs to be taken into consideration. Recent years have seen the emergence of 3D culture models as disease models and an alternative to animal testing.
If you can culture, validate the efficacy of either the lead molecule or confirm the safety and efficacy of the drug target on organoids, spheroids, then the burden caused by animal testing can be greatly reduced.
The CERO 3D Incubator and Bioreactor is the perfect partner for your drug research.
3D Cell Culture Incubation
CERO 3D Incubator & Bioreactor ensures automated cultivation of stem cells, spheroids, organoids and even tissues.
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