Virus Research

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Virus Research

CERO 3D Incubator & Bioreactor enables growth and maturation of spheroids without necrosis and apoptosis while other technologies fail. Therefore, CERO 3D allows to maintain state-of-the-art 3D cultures of Huh7 hepatic cell line. The disposable CEROtubes with Hepa filter allow safe virus experiments.

Spheroid from hepatocyte cell line was matured for 20 days prior to exposure to HCV. Infection spreading (rate) was controlled after 24, 48 and 72hours (brown staining)

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Enables Virus Infection Studies




Matured shperoids where infected with 1000 infectious of Hepatitis C Virus (HVC)
Degree of infection over time was tracked by:
​Staining (brown areas)
​NSSA expression

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